Lead Generation Strategies for Coaches

Proven Tactics to Attract and Convert Coaching Clients

Lead Generation Strategies for Coaches

If you’re going to succeed as a coach, you need reliable strategies for surfacing new potential clients. In marketing, we call those leads; lead generation is the process of finding new leads. 

Effective lead generation is essential for growing your coaching practice. By attracting and converting potential clients, you can build a robust client base and ensure the success of your business.  I’ve outlined proven strategies to help you generate high-quality leads.

Which one is right for you?

It depends on several factors. How mature is your coaching business? What niche are you in? What unique expertise do you have?

Before diving into the specific leadgen strategies, I want to highlight elements of a good brand foundation. Without a clear brand story, you won’t be able to engage and convert new leads effectively.

Get everything you need to market your business coaching practice.
Get everything you need to market your business coaching practice.

Laying a good brand foundation for your coaching business.

When the story isn’t clear, customers don't pay attention. 

A compelling and clear brand story helps you stand out from the competition and invites your potential customers to engage. Clarifying your brand story is critical if you want to expand your reach.

The first step to crafting a compelling brand story is to define your ideal client.

Understanding your ideal client helps you tailor your marketing efforts more effectively. This ensures that your messaging resonates with the right audience, increasing the likelihood of attracting clients who genuinely need your services and are willing to invest in them.

  • Create an ideal customer persona: Consider who your ideal customer is. Who is the customer you really want to help? Or asked in another way, if you could have one type of customer walk through the door day after day, who would they be?
  • Clarify your business character. Answering just these three questions will go a long way to helping your customers understand who you are and how you can help them. Why do you care? Why should they trust you? Who’s on your team?
  • Tailor your messaging: Craft messages that resonate with your target audience’s needs and aspirations. Clearly state how your coaching services can benefit visitors. Websites with clear value propositions are 50% more likely to convert visitors into leads.
  • Focus your call-to-action (CTA): Make your CTAs clear and compelling. Effective CTAs can increase conversion rates by up to 200%.

A well-optimized website is your digital storefront and often the first impression potential clients get of your coaching practice. It creates a clean and clear customer experience that makes your lead generator more impactful.

Lead generation for coaches

A lead generator is anything that attracts potential customers and convinces them to share their contact information. It's essentially a trade - their details for your valuable insights or services.

These are some of the lead generators we’ve seen work well for coaches. 

  • Downloadable PDFs: Offering valuable downloadable PDFs, such as lists or guides, in exchange for contact information helps capture leads while providing immediate value. This is usually where we start if an entrepreneur or coach doesn’t have a lead generator. 
  • Webinars: Hosting webinars allows you to showcase your expertise in a live setting. These events provide immediate value to attendees, fostering trust and establishing your authority. Follow-ups with participants can lead to higher conversion rates, as they have already experienced your coaching style and insights firsthand.
  • Quizzes and Assessments: Interactive quizzes and assessments engage potential clients and gather valuable information about their needs and challenges. These tools not only capture leads but also provide insights that can be used to tailor your follow-up communications. 
  • Templates and Checklists: Providing templates and checklists gives potential clients practical tools they can use immediately. These resources demonstrate your expertise and create a sense of reciprocity, making leads more likely to engage further with your coaching services. Free resources like these can increase lead conversions by up to 50%.
  • Free Consultations: Free consultations allow potential clients to experience your coaching firsthand. This low-risk introduction can help build rapport and trust, making converting leads into paying clients easier. Free consultations often result in higher conversion rates, with some coaches reporting 20-30% conversion rates.

A quick note on quizzes. Whenever I’m creating a quiz for a client, ScoreApp is my go-to tool. It allows you to effortlessly build quizzes that provide dynamic, personalized results. Additionally, it integrates seamlessly with the Better Story Marketing OS, making it a breeze to follow up and convert those new leads.

Following up your lead generator

You don’t just want a bunch of leads. 

You want new clients.

Follow-up is critical to converting those leads but is often overlooked and not optimized. Let’s explore four essential elements of effective lead follow-up. 

  1. An email sales campaign. The first email delivers or confirms the lead generator. Then, 5-6 emails are dripped out over the next 1-2 weeks. Each one continues to add value by naming and solving the core challenges your ideal customer faces. 
  2. A limited-time offer. Follow up the lead generator with an offer that combines one of your products with extra value and makes it available for a limited time, like two weeks. 
  3. A core lead product is a low-cost, independently valuable product that your new lead can choose to practice paying you for help. For a coach, this could be a focused three-session pack. 

A long-term nurture campaign. Whether your new lead makes an initial purchase or not, you want to add them to a long-term email campaign that provides valuable guidance, insights and opportunities. They may not be ready to buy today, but you will be top of mind when they are.

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The Life Coach BrandPack is ready to use, fully customizable, and done for you, so you get all the marketing assets you need.

Increasing Traffic

The more traffic you get, the more eyeballs you get on your lead generator, which means more leads and more clients. 

We recommend testing your lead generator in small batches to see how effective it is at capturing and converting leads. You don’t want to spend a ton on ads only to drive traffic to a non-converting lead generator.

Here are some strategies to increase your overall traffic or traffic to a specific landing page with your lead generator. 

Content Marketing

Creating valuable content establishes you as an authority in your niche. 

Blog posts, guest articles, and videos can address common pain points, providing solutions and demonstrating your expertise. This not only attracts organic traffic but also builds trust with potential clients, making them more likely to reach out for your services.

  • Blog Posts: Write informative articles that address your audience’s pain points and showcase your expertise. Companies with blogs generate 67% more leads than those without.
  • Guest Blogging: Contribute to reputable blogs in your niche to reach a wider audience. 
  • Video Content: Create engaging videos on platforms like YouTube or Instagram. Video marketers get 66% more qualified leads per year.

Social Media Marketing

Consistent posting and active engagement can increase your visibility and credibility. Additionally, targeted social media ads can help you reach potential clients who fit your ideal client profile.

  • Consistent Posting: Share valuable content regularly on platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram. Brands that post consistently see a 7x higher engagement rate.
  • Engage: Respond to comments and messages promptly to build relationships. 71% of consumers who have a positive social media experience with a brand are likely to recommend it to others.

Referral Programs

Referral programs leverage the satisfaction of your current clients to attract new ones. 

Clients who refer others to your services typically provide high-quality leads, as they come with a personal endorsement. Offering referral incentives encourages your clients to actively participate in your lead generation efforts.

  • Incentivize Referrals: Offer rewards or discounts to clients who refer new clients. Referred customers have a 37% higher retention rate21.
  • Ask for Referrals: Encourage satisfied clients to spread the word about your services. Word-of-mouth referrals account for up to 50% of purchasing decisions.

Paid Advertising

Paid advertising, such as Google Ads and social media ads, allows you to target specific demographics and reach potential clients quickly. 

With precise targeting options, you can ensure your ads are seen by those most likely to need your services. This can lead to immediate traffic and quicker lead generation compared to organic methods.

  • Google Ads: Use targeted ads to appear in search results when potential clients look for coaching services. Businesses make an average of $2 in revenue for every $1 spent on Google Ads.
  • Social Media Ads: Utilize platforms like Facebook and Instagram to create highly targeted ad campaigns.

Implementing these lead-generation strategies can help you attract more potential clients, nurture relationships, and ultimately grow your coaching business. Consistency and providing value are essential to successful lead generation. 

Related Guides

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By implementing these lead-generation strategies, you can attract more potential clients, nurture relationships, and ultimately grow your coaching business. 

Each strategy offers unique benefits tailored to a coaching practice's needs. Combining multiple strategies can create a comprehensive approach, ensuring a steady stream of high-quality leads.

Action Plan

It’s time to fill your booking calendar with new coaching clients.

If you need help identifying the ideal lead generator for your coaching practice, book a free Focus Session, and we can brainstorm together. Also, be sure to check out our coach-focused BrandPacks that include a lead generator along with all the other content and automations you need to launch or grow your coaching business.

Frequently Asked Questions

LeadGen for Coaches

Why should I offer downloadable PDFs for lead generation?

Downloadable PDFs, such as lists or guides, provide immediate value to potential clients in exchange for their contact information.

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Why should I offer downloadable PDFs for lead generation?

How do webinars contribute to lead generation?

Webinars allow you to showcase your expertise in real time, providing valuable insights to attendees. This experience builds trust and positions you as an authority, making participants more likely to become clients.

See the full answer to
How do webinars contribute to lead generation?

What are the benefits of using quizzes and assessments?

Quizzes and assessments engage potential clients interactively, providing insights into their needs and challenges. This information can be used to tailor follow-up communications, making leads more likely to convert.

See the full answer to
What are the benefits of using quizzes and assessments?

How do templates and checklists help in capturing leads?

Providing practical resources like templates and checklists demonstrates your expertise and creates a sense of reciprocity. These tools offer immediate value, encouraging potential clients to engage further with your coaching services.

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How do templates and checklists help in capturing leads?

How can offering free consultations improve lead conversion rates?

Free consultations allow potential clients to experience your coaching style and expertise firsthand. This low-risk introduction builds rapport and trust, making it easier to convert leads into paying clients.

See the full answer to
How can offering free consultations improve lead conversion rates?

Lead Generators + Sales Sequences

How can I make my call-to-action (CTA) more compelling?

Focus on clearly articulating the value and benefit the potential customer will receive from booking with you. Use action-oriented language to ensure the CTA stands out visually on your webpage.

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How can I make my call-to-action (CTA) more compelling?

What is a lead generator, and why is it important?

A lead generator is a tool or strategy used to attract potential customers and gather their contact information. It's crucial because it starts the process of converting interested parties into paying customers by capturing their attention and encouraging them to engage further with your brand.

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What is a lead generator, and why is it important?

What makes a good lead generator offer?

A good lead generator offer provides clear value to your target audience, addresses their specific needs or pain points, and is perceived as desirable enough that they are willing to exchange their contact information for it.

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What makes a good lead generator offer?

How does a sales sequence work with a lead generator?

A sales sequence is a series of targeted communications (usually emails) designed to nurture leads obtained through a lead generator. It aims to build trust, provide value, and guide leads towards making a purchase decision by progressively addressing their needs and interests.

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How does a sales sequence work with a lead generator?

How long should my sales sequence be?

The length of your sales sequence can vary depending on your industry, product complexity, and sales cycle. However, a sequence typically includes 5-7 emails spread out over a few weeks to nurture leads without overwhelming them.

See the full answer to
How long should my sales sequence be?

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